KDRT dalam Persepsi Ibu Nyai Pesantren Studi Kasus Pesantren-pesantren Cirebon

  • Afwah Mumtazah
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Pesantren, Nyai, Kitab Kuning



Violence in The Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren) has become a popular view, but only few who understand the meaning contained there in. In reality, domestic violence is very subtle in the world of Pesantren actors. Women as wives must cover all forms of violence by husbands as much as possible, if not, then expose the husband or household disgrace, and it is a sin. This thinking can be understood as domestic violence is defined as a worship and a test of faith, sincerity and patience for a wife to the husband. Pesantren culture played a role in strengthening the thinking of those schools. Appreciation of the values of service and sincerity is always assessed in the jurisprudence, the moral, and “munakahaat” studies, impact on behavior and attitudes of students. The pattern of the central “Kitab Kuning” (yellow book) learning oriented can not be criticized, put the figure of “Ustadz” or “Kiai” as a central information, will have a negative effect, when applied in the discourse of marriage, particularly the perception of domestic violence. The “Nyai” understand that all forms of torture in the household is part of domestic violence. But dogmatic thinking and theocentric do not dare criticize the “Kitab Kuning”, blocking their arguments when faced with the reality of the consequences of the enactment of the Abolition of Domestic Violence (PKDRT).

How to Cite
Mumtazah, A. (2015). KDRT dalam Persepsi Ibu Nyai Pesantren Studi Kasus Pesantren-pesantren Cirebon. Jurnal Islam Indonesia, 2(01), 110-147. Retrieved from https://jurnalislamindonesia.isif.ac.id/index.php/Jurnal-Islam-Indonesia/article/view/9