KDRT dalam Penafsiran Mufassir Indonesia (Studi Atas Tafsir an-Nur, al-Azhar, dan al-Misbah)

  • Liya Aliyah
Keywords: Domestic Violence, Nusyuz, an-Nisa, Violence, Tafsir al-Azhar, al-Misbah, Hamka, Quraish Shihab



Violence becomes a crucial issue in society not only at national level, but also the global community. Violence is like "twin brother" for women. Based on reality, inequality often led to violence based on gender bias. Whereas in the "QS. Al-Hujurat paragraph 13" stated that God created men and women and make them comprised diverse ethnic groups in which we must learn to know each other. This study limits the scope of two books of commentary, which is the book of Tafsir “al-Azhar” written by Hamka and “Tafsir al-Misbah” by HM Quraish Shihab as a representation of mufassir Indonesia. This study will only take the interpretation of one verse of Surat an-Nisa', ie, verse 34. Decision is based on the generality of subsection people use this verse as a legitimate interpretation of permissibility of beating his wife if the wife is seen “nuzyuz”. On this basis, researchers looked at a representative verse 34 Surat an-Nisa 'was appointed as a case study in the interpretation of verses of the Koran which tend to violence against women.

How to Cite
Aliyah, L. (2015). KDRT dalam Penafsiran Mufassir Indonesia (Studi Atas Tafsir an-Nur, al-Azhar, dan al-Misbah). Jurnal Islam Indonesia, 2(01), 35-74. Retrieved from https://jurnalislamindonesia.isif.ac.id/index.php/Jurnal-Islam-Indonesia/article/view/7