Isu Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dalam Teks-teks dan Kajian Tafsir Hadits

  • Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir
Keywords: Fiqh, Gender Justice, Hadith, Social Construction


The discourse of wife beating, as the major issue of domestic violence (domestic violence), not only can be attributed to the an-Nisa verse (4: 34) as reference, but also the Hadith texts are more rich and complex. The study explores the hadith texts relating wife battering inprimary sources (al-polar as-Sitta) and the books of Hadith commentary (syurûh al-hadith). With the approach of critical discourse, the texts are not only explain the social construction of permissibility hit in paragraph an-Nisa (4: 34), but more firmly anti-violence leads to the perspective that later became the basis of consideration of the interpretation of the verse is among the scholars of “fiqh” and “tafsir”. If many Muslim feminists are allergic to the authority for the reconstruction of Islamic Hadith gender fair, "research" is actually a bit much to prove that the hadith issue of wife battering become a major source of strengthening awareness of the dynamics of gender justice in Islam.

How to Cite
Abdul Kodir, F. (2015). Isu Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dalam Teks-teks dan Kajian Tafsir Hadits. Jurnal Islam Indonesia, 2(01), 1-34. Retrieved from